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    1. Last few days' dreams: Political meeting, short lucid flying, superheroes with swords

      by , 10-16-2012 at 08:04 AM (Exterminate)
      Political dream 10/12

      There was this huge building, it had about 3-4 floors but the shape resembled the worlds largest round barn in Marshfield, Wisconsin. It had many glass windows with futuristic feel to it. My mom and dad were downstairs, listening to Mitt Romney speak. In this timeline Mitt Romney had become President. I was on the second floor listening to Mitt Romney's brother, Scott. He was doing a press briefing for Mitt. I was impressed that he could answer every question given to him so well. Apparently he knew his brother better than Mitt knew himself. Throughout the press briefing Scott's phone kept ringing. I don't remember him answering it. He just held this large dinosaur of a cell phone in his hand and made witty comments about it any time it rang. He was interesting to listen to, but eventually I got bored and went downstairs to see if mom and dad were done yet.

      Short Lucidity 10/13

      My aunt and uncle visited our house. They were looking at how different it was since they were last there. I was lounging on the double recliner in our living room which I normally use while browsing my laptop. My relatives were in awe of how beautiful our house was, which was odd. Our house isn't all that special in waking life. I never actually saw much of the house in the dream but it did indeed seem fancier than normal. I got up and found myself in a covered porch. It had a really nice glass roof and the walls were made of logs. I then went outside with my family, continuing the tour. While listening to their conversation I suddenly realized I was dreaming. I have no clue how I knew, but once I noticed I flew straight into the air. Both fists facing the sky I decided "Why not fly to outer space?" I looked down and the ground was so far away. I felt amazed by how easy it always is to fly, then out of nowhere I slam to the ground. I fall so quickly I am thinking "I am dreaming, but I will hit the ground so hard I may die. What is going to happen?" I blacked out for a second, and got back up. I felt sick out of nowhere, but decided to fly back into the air. I got a short distance up and the dream ended.
      When I stated I felt sick, it is funny because when I woke up I felt really sick. I had a runny nose, headache, soar throat. I guess my symptoms started showing in my lucid. It is better now two days later, I have just a runny nose now, but still pretty interesting to note.

      Superhero dream 10/15

      I remembered more about this dream once I woke up but I have not been thinking about the dream at all today so that may affect my recall.
      I had spider-man's powers, a stranger had super strength, and my brother had some other superhero's powers. My main goal personally, as well as others was to get, or rather make, swords. I had mine perfectly planned out, what materials it would be made of, the colors, the size, the shape. I don't believe I ever got the full sword sadly, but I recall messing with my powers. I would swing webs to a tall building, and stick on the side of it. I could hear the stranger and my brother talking from inside the building. I don't remember what they were saying, but their conversation led me to believe they were villains. I then tried to see how many webs I could shoot at once. I sent two, then a third, and the first disappeared. I then heard some cops arriving, and swung away to avoid confrontation.

      Not sure if it was the same dream or not, but later me and my brother were at home and it was night time. I heard a sound outside which turned out to be our mother making a surprise visit. We had something out in the open in the house that made us having powers dead obvious. Whatever it was must have been something only a super would have. We quickly hid the item and sat in our respective spots on the dual recliner as if nothing happened just as our she walked in. She was none the wiser of who or what we were.

      Updated 08-01-2018 at 10:43 PM by 57282

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. driving with mitt romney

      by , 02-13-2012 at 01:13 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in the back seat, passenger side of a car, riding through a town with Mitt Romney. Romney was in the front seat, on the passenger side. I didn't see who the driver was. The day had a strongly yellow light to it. The area we drove through seemed to be a downtown area, with lots of tall buildings.

      Romney and I were talking back and forth. But suddenly I saw something in between the two seats. It was like a little stand-up paper display that are place on tables in restaurants to advertise specials or desserts. This one had three sides. It was colored a dull, brownish copper.

      Instead of advertising food, though, this thing seemed to be a political pamphlet. I couldn't see all the sides. The side near me was trying to convince people to hold back a bill that was going through Congress at the moment.

      The pamphlet argued that the bill would cut much-needed funds out of community budgets. The pamphlet used the figure of $800,000 as an example. It said this cut money could have been used for things like extra members of the police force.

      The pamphlet then tried to argue that the bill was part of a larger conspiracy, and that Romney was a part of this conspiracy.

      The main goal of this bill, the pamphlet said, was to get police off the street. That way, people would act irresponsibly and violently. The government would wait for a crisis, then come in and take even tighter control of everything.

      I didn't believe in the conspiracy theory, but I was affected by the message and tone of the pamphlet. Romney could see this, and for a moment, thinking I had been won away from him by the alarmists, he stopped talking to me.

      But somehow he got started talking again. He was talking about the comedy shows that used him as a subject. There was one show, kind of like Saturday Night Live, that used him as a subject in a lot of their sketches. Romney imitated the actor that imitated Romney, imitating Romney.

      I reflected on what a bad job of imitation the actor really did. But Romney was catching a lot of the actor's mannerisms. I told Romney he imitated the actor better than the actor imitated Romney.

      The car had stopped. We were now walking outside, in a kind of plaza area with a concrete or stone ground and a big, stone fountain in the center. Romney rushed off ahead of me. He had to head to some meeting. I wasn't sure I'd see him again. But I felt like he was no longer suspicious of me and angry at me.

      As I was walking in Romney's direction, a dissheveled-looking guy in old, brown, tattered pants, shirt, and overcoat walked up to me in something of a hurry. He stopped me with the force of his agitation. He began speaking to me about the conspiracy theory I'd seen on the pamphlet in the car.